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Our Podcasts Out of the Vault

We dusted off the cobwebs and found these gems. Are you looking for something interesting to listen to? Look at our dropdown playlist, here you will discover Podcasts with many interesting subjects. Each of these Podcasts has been recorded live in our studios at Fleurieu FM.

Autumn Part 2 Gardening

In part 2 of Neville's Autumn in the Garden. Nevelle Skewes talks with Johan about taking infected plants to your garden centre. When to Mulch, what to do with the weeds you get from Autumn to Winter and what to do about them, particularly Clover.

Winter Gardening

In this episode, Neville Skews discusses what you must do for winter in your garden to keep it healthy and prepare it for Spring. In this episode, Neville talks with Johan Bruwer about what you can plant in winter, how to prune your deciduous trees and shrubs and the care you must take when fertilising in winter.

Autumn Part 1 Gardening

In this episode, Neville Skewes talks about the changes that Autumn brings and what you need to be aware of when preparing your garden for the coming Autumn Winter.

Interview with Wendy Jennings

Johan Bruwer interviews Wendy Jennings a noted artist in the Fleurieu Peninsula area of S A. They discuss her journey as a wildlife artist and how it has evolved into regular Australian Flora & Fauna lectures aboard Cruise Ships. Wendy also holds the position of Vice President of the Victor Harbor Art Society.

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